Friday, March 27, 2015

Look Up!

I learned that reading my Bible every day changes the way you see things that happen throughout the day. I am more positive, optimistic.

I learned that I have a lot of things in my life to be thankful for.

I learned a lot about different countries around the world and how to pray for those countries.

As I sat around a lunch table listening to a dozen or so students reflecting on their participation in the Lent Challenge (see previous blog), I was reminded that while I am technically their teacher, they often teach me! Lent, I am embarrassed to admit, has always been a season that tends to sneak up on me and I rarely end up following through on my intentions. But there is nothing like a bunch of middle schoolers to keep you accountable and to help remind you of your commitment. I have truly been blessed to be praying for a different country every day and then hearing my students talk about that country as they walk into my classroom. I loved hearing them make connections between what we are learning about in Bible class and what they had read in Isaiah that morning for their daily reading, or hearing them share what they were grateful for on that particular day.

As we celebrated the end of our Challenge (yesterday was the last day of school) and broke bread together I shared briefly with them something that the Lord has been teaching me recently: to look up! As we have been in a race to the finish line (spring break!) this past week, my attention has been on grades, lesson plans, taxes, etc. I have found that my natural tendency is for my gaze to be turned downward into the details of life. I quickly become overwhelmed by my ‘to do’ list, the events in the news, the weight of teaching, etc. But the daily disciplines of our Challenge helped me to look up!  I looked up this phrase in the Bible (pun intended). I knew that I would find it in Isaiah and the Psalms but the two references that stood out to me where from Genesis 22 and Mark 16. In Genesis 22, it says that Abraham looked up and there in a thicket he saw a ram caught by its horn (v13). This ram meant salvation for Isaac and mercy for Abraham. What if Abraham hadn’t looked up? 

Mark 16 tells us of the women who were approaching the tomb that Sunday morning worrying about who would roll away the stone for them… but when they looked up, they saw that the stone, which was very large, had been rolled away (v.4). Wow! Thank goodness they were not too bogged down with the details and worries of life to look up. They would have missed the most amazing event in human history! An empty tomb!

As we enter into this Holy Week, my prayer is that I would keep my eyes on Him, on His sovereignty, majesty, love and power.
May each of us take time this Holy week to look up and see the Lamb of God slain for us and for the sins of the world! But come Sunday morning, let's look up and see the stone rolled away and am empty tomb! He is risen! He is risen indeed!


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