Sunday, September 29, 2013

Locker Irony

“Miss Key, will you help me with my locker?”  This is a refrain I heard daily the first two weeks of school.  Somehow, I earned a reputation as the locker-opener (I now know several of their combinations by heart :)).  Our staff room is just outside the six grade lockers and hearing the stress in their voices between classes the first few days of school took me straight back to my middle school days.  Who doesn’t remember the stress of being a new student in a new school? While helping a student open up their locker may not seem like a big deal to you, the irony of my new reputation has made me smile.  
As a 7th grade missionary kid (who fit the stereotypes) straight off the field attending a private school (on scholarship) my culture shock and adjustment were huge!  I struggled to find my place among kids who had name brand clothes (name brands I didn’t even know, let alone owned), knew all the current pop culture (I was a good 4 years behind), and had all the right friends.  One of the things that I never was able to figure out was my locker.  We didn’t have them in my school in France.  I tried and tried and finally gave up.  So my entire 7th grade year I never once opened my locker and lugged my text books from class to class and then home at night.  I was too shy and too much out of my element to ask for help and if anyone did notice, they didn’t offer to help.  
What a joy it is to be able to help these students adjusting to middle school, some of them adjusting to Germany for the first time, do a simple task like opening their locker.  The fun thing is to see that the question has been asked less and less as the kids figure it out and learn how to do it for themselves.  When/if they return to North America that will be one less stress/adjustment they have to experience.  These moments remind me of His care and faithfulness, even in the little details of life. And the fact that He can use me to help in this small way is truly a gift.