Saturday, September 3, 2011

Hard...and yet

That is the phrase I have found myself saying when people ask me how the first few weeks back have been.  In many ways they have been hard.   

It was hard to say goodbye to my family after a wonderful summer celebrating together as my sister got married.  And yet... Jesus worked it out so that my first day back I got to spend the day with the Searls shopping and touring Alsace, France.  They had spent the week in Germany and were leaving the next day but the day together was such a gift!  

Eating crepes in Colmar, France
My first day back I found out that I was going to be teaching at the high school and the middle school.  Although the joke around the school staff is that BFA stands for “Be Flexible Always” it is sometimes hard for this structure loving girl to roll with the changes.  And yet… His grace is enough.  Somehow, in the midst of jet lag and feeling overwhelmed He gave me grace filled responses.  I praise Him for that.  It is the nature of a school like BFA and it is what I signed up for so no complaints just giving it back to Him and readjusting some of my own expectations.  And He has made a way for me. 

I am now teaching at the high school in the morning and in the afternoon at the middle school.  One of my biggest concerns was transportation as I don’t have a car and yet… God has made a way for that as well with rides arranged for every day of the week.

Juggling two campuses, two class schedules, two calendars, and rides was not my plan and yet…I find myself really enjoying my high school class and my two middle school classes.  He s good! 

Having record setting temperatures the first week of school was also something that I would not have chosen.  (Those of you who know me know that me and heat don’t get along very well.)  And yet…God gave strength and grace to get through the first week of class in miserably hot classrooms and living in a very hot apartment.

Leaving family once again and starting a new school year has had its struggles and yet…Jesus is enough in the midst of it all and it is so much easier than last year.  I arrived back in Kandern and walked in my apartment to two roommates that I know and love, to a bed and a room that are mine.  I am returning to a school and kids that I have grown to love.  
Seniors proudly holding their flags for Opening Ceremonies
 Hard, yes at times it has been, and yet…I am so grateful for the privilege of being here and for His sustaining strength and grace to accomplish what He has called me to do.


  1. Amazing post. I love your honesty -- and your pure trust in our Savior. Thanks for sharing your heart, Anna! I love sharing life with you! :)

  2. This is beautiful and profound!! Thanks for sharing. I am so proud to call you my big sis!

  3. Thank you so much for these encouraging words and for your honesty. What a wonderful way to train your mind to think. I am going to start thinking of my hardships in the light of "and yet...". He is faithful. I love being your sister!

  4. Dear Anna,

    I really enjoyed reading this and watching some of the videos on BFA. What an awesome thing to see how our God brings all people from different countries together and He understands us all. WOW! God is good and He will continue to show Himself faithful to you as you yield your hear to Him. Thank you for serving Him and being His Hands, Heart and Feet to all the students that He planned for you to encounter at this time in your life. Be Blessed.

  5. I like those words "And yet." Each of us chooses to respond to the challenges/difficulties in our lives with either an obedient heart or a grumbling spirit. As you are choosing obedience, He has already planned the blessings of the 'and yet.' And the students you teach, and girls you work with will see your obedient spirit and be challenged to have obedient hearts as well. Be blessed as you walk these days with Him leading.
    Sandy Arnold
