"When are you flying out?" That is a question that has been heard echoing throughout the halls of BFA recently. Everyone is wrapping things up, grading, cleaning and packing in anticipation of graduation tomorrow followed by travel for most of our community. For some it is travel to visit family and friends, for others it is traveling to raise support to return to BFA and for others it is packing everything up and saying goodbye to life at BFA and Germany and walking through the next door the Lord has opened for them. It is amazing to hear the places that not only our students are headed to but also our staff. At our recent staff appreciation dinner, (an opportunity to say goodbye to those who will not be returning) we heard of those who were returning to North America and of those who were going to serve at schools in central Asia, South America and in other parts of Europe. What a privilege to get to work with people who are not looking to settle down and find security but continually asking the Lord what He has next for them, regardless of the phase of life in which they find themselves. From the widow who courageously chose to return to BFA alone to the retired couple who could be enjoying the beach and their grandchildren to the recent college grad who instead of starting a career is giving tirelessly of themselves to high school students...these are my co-workers.
My middle school co-workers |
Graduation is now upon us and once again the goodbyes are more than I care to admit. My days have been filled with "lasts." So many colleagues and students are leaving. Some precious time with a girl that I have mentored this past year at the senior girls' tea. Some of the girls are able to have their moms there but I was able to step into that role for the afternoon and what a privilege sitting next to Elise who is Dutch and grew up in Asia and across from another senior who is Australian and grew up in the middle east. Both of these girls are beautiful on the inside and outside.
One last small group meeting. These 7 women welcomed me into their group this year and were a huge blessing to me. Four of them will not be returning next year and will be greatly missed!
Half our small group - so thankful for these women! |
Some of my 8th graders - boys will be boys :) |