Sunday, January 22, 2012

A Glimpse...

The last month has been eventful.  I was very grateful to be home over Christmas break with my family and most importantly be present for my sister's engagement.  When you live across the ocean from your family those moments take on extra special meaning. We are excited to have another wedding in our family this summer and I am grateful to soon have two wonderful brothers-in-law.
The newly engaged couple

All Together!

Today marks two weeks since I arrived back in Kandern.  A lot has happened.  Here is a glimpse into the last two weeks:

24 hours after landing I was at the all-staff breakfast where we said goodbye to our interim director and welcomed our new director.  He and his family arrived last fall and have been slowly transitioning into this new role.  It is a big job and as a staff we are indebted to both of these men for their godly leadership and willingness to take on the job. 

(If you are interested here is a link to an article and video about this:

Small groups started again.  It was great to be able to see my girls and hear all their travel stories.  Many involved adventures, being stuck in Frankfurt for three days, missing flights, etc.  These kids never cease to amaze me. 

BFA kicks into high gear right from the start.  We have had two weekends full of home basketball games.  Home basketball games are quite a big part of the BFA community.  Everyone in the community shows up and most will stay through all four games for a grand total of six hours.  And that is just Friday night, the whole thing is repeated on Saturday.  It is quite an experience and a fun part of BFA culture.

Last night I got to spend the evening with all the middle school staff.  The high school is quite large and all but impossible for us to gather as a group outside of school but the middle school has a dozen or so on staff and it was fun to get to spend some time with these amazing people outside of the school setting.  The staff represents at least three countries, previous ministry in more countries than I can count, and hearts that are longing to serve Jesus here by serving missionary kids and their families.  I am humbled and honored to work alongside them and learn from them. 

I was also honored by a dinner invitation by one of my students’ to the middle school dorm house.  What a treat to watch these dorm parents love on the four kids that are living with them.  

My classes are off and running and it has been fun to watch my middle schoolers practice the play they have been memorizing.  It has been good to see they have not forgotten too much during Christmas break.  

As you can see, things are busy but good.  My fellow French teacher has finished her radiation and has received a good report.  We praise the Lord for this good news.  Will you pray with me that Jesus continues to lead in every interaction and decision made in the next few months?  I am humbled by your willingness to be a part of what God is doing here.  Thank you for allowing me the privilege of being here.  I am truly grateful!

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